
Daily Routines

My Early Bird routine:
6:00 am
1. Meditation,  quiet time
2. Check my planner
3. Journal
4. Stretches, pelvic tilts, hip rotations,  crunches, squats and wall push ups

My morning routine:
8:00 am
1. Make bed
2. Get dressed
3. Pet care (feed the fish and dogs,  Pepper's meds)
4. Self care  (hair, face, teeth, etc.)
5. Swish and swipe bathrooms
6. Put dishes away
7. Dinner prep

My "Today" routine:
1. Daily Focus
2. Zone work
2. Walk/bike ride
3. Stitching, other hobbies or just me time

My evening routine:
8:00 pm
1. Dishes
2. Set coffee pot timer
3. 10 minute tidy (hot spots)
4. Pet care (final dog walk, more meds)
5. Shower, self care
6. Lay out clothes for tomorrow

☆Obviously there are other things I do in a day, but this is my basic routine.


What is "swish and swipe"?
It's a quick clean of the bathroom.  Just swish the toilet and swipe the counters. This is not a deep clean!

What is a "daily focus"?
I follow Flylady' s pretty close,  but made a few changes.

Monday - Weekly Home Blessing  (WHB) *see below
Laundry day.

Tuesday - Me Day. On this day I pick something special just for me. A bubble  bath, a chick flick, extra stitching time, etc. 

Wednesday - Monthly Task Day.  On Wednesdays I look at my monthly to do list and my when was the last time list and see what I can get done.
Laundry day.

Thursday - Anti procrastination Day. If I've been putting something off, now is the time to do it.

Friday - Desk Day. It's planning day!....meal plan, make a grocery list,  set up next week in planner, update checkbook, bills, etc.

Saturday - Us time. A day to just hang out with my Love. Outside work, shopping, movies... whatever. If He's working.... I'm stitching lol

Sunday - More us time.  Yard work, truck maintenance, take the boat out, errands, shopping, etc.

What is a "Weekly Home Blessing"?
Basically it's the things you only need to do once a week. For me, it's...

1. Water plants 
2. Clean the dog bowls and beds 
3. Set up meds for the week 
4. Vacuum livingroom 
5. Sweep and mop 
6. Dust 
7. Sweep entry and deck
8. Clean out fridge 
9. Take out all trash and wash cans

What is a "Hot Spot"?
You know, that spot where things pile up? If you don't handle it now, next thing you know it's out of control like a wild fire!

What is "zone work"?
It's the deep cleaning broken down into small tasks throughout the week. Flylady works on one zone each week. I have a detailed list of things to do.
Here's my zones:

Zone 1 - the entry, deck, laundry room
Zone 2 - kitchen
Zone 3 - bathrooms
Zone 4 - bedrooms
Zone 5 - living room, dining room

If you have any questions about how I do any of this, just ask. I'd be glad to share.

For more information on the Flylady system,  please visit her website.