
Friday, April 28, 2017

Little Things

1. Today is: another rainy day.

2. What made you smile today?
My grandson's excitement when he saw three rabbits in his yard.

3. What was the best part of this week?
Getting over 9k steps yesterday.

4. What did you struggle with this week?
3pm cravings.

5. Self care is not selfish. Be kind to yourself!  What did you do "just for you" this week?
Watched YouTube videos even though it eats up the data on my phone.

6. Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have. List 3 things you were grateful for this week.
1. Rain, even though we have probably had enough for a while.
2. My sleep number bed.
3. My one cup of coffee each day.

7. Share something fun. A quote,  photo, website,  or anything that others might enjoy.
For the past two years or so, I've been doing daily challenges from MeYou Health. I downloaded the free app from the play store. Each day they email you a small daily challenge. You can choose different "tracks" (topics) which last about a month each. Or you can just choose the "every day well being" track. There have been some days when I didn't do the challenge, but it's fun to try to keep your streak going. You get points for each challenge and streak points.

8. What are you reading,  watching,  listening to, making, wishing, looking forward to,  etc?
*Making- scarfs for the winter "keep us warm" project. (We give away scarfs to the homeless or others in need.)
*Postponing mother's day plans because R will be having another surgery that Friday.
*Hoping to hit 10k steps one day very soon.

9. Did you reach your goals  this week? List 3 goals for next week.
This week:
1. Be more active. ☆definitely
2. Paint the porch. ~nope, too much rain
3.Choose a new cross stitch for May.  ☆will be picking out one this weekend

Next week:
1. Find healthier options for meals and snacks.
2. Start my new cross stitch.
3. Research new health insurance.

10. Sum up the week in just one sentence.
Much better than last week!

Little Things is designed to help us remember all the little moments that might get lost in our day to day lives. I hope you'll join me.

Just 3 rules:
1. Please use the Little Things logo and link back to my blog.
2. Answer the listed questions.
3. Come back here and leave a comment to let me know your Little Things post is ready to read.

*Be sure to visit others who have posted.


  1. These posts are such feel good posts!!! :-)

    And I love that your week was better than last week!!!

  2. Thanks for telling me about that challenge link will check it out.

    1. If you decide to try it let me know. We can join the same track and do a weekly pact. We get more points that way.

  3. Thanks for reading my blog, girls.
