
Saturday, May 6, 2017

Little Things

(Posted a day late, but written on Friday.)

1. Today is: sunny and 71 degrees.

2. What made you smile today?
It's a rough day with R back in the hospital,  but his strength and love always make me smile.

3. What was the best part of the week? Reaching 10k steps on Tuesday.

4. What did you struggle with this week? drinking water and R being sick.

5. Self care is not selfish. Be kind to yourself!  What did you do this week "just for you"? I skipped my deep cleaning routine.

6. Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have. List three things you were grateful for this week.
1. Added air time on my phone. (Means my data went back to high speed LOL. )
2. Spending time with R.
3. A few sunny hours between all that rain.

7. Share something fun. A quote, a photo, a website or anything else you think others might enjoy.
My dog, Christmas,  tucking herself in for an afternoon  nap.

8. What are you reading, watching,  listening to, making, wishing,  thinking,  etc?
Watching The Voice.  Down to the top 10.

9. Did you reach your goals this week? List three goals for next week.
This week:
1. Eat healthier snacks. *I made a few changes. But still working on it.
2. Start new cross stitch.  *not yet.
3. Look at new health insurance.  *not yet.
Next week:
1. Put $25 in savings.
2. Mail out May cards.
3. Work on my rug.

10. Sum up the week in just one sentence.
This week went by very fast!


  1. Sending good thoughts your way and Rs.

  2. Good thoughts and prayers for R!!! Take some time to take care of need to do that too...even if so that you are healthy for R!!

  3. So sorry to read that R is back in the hospital. Hope he is home with you again soon and doing well.
