
Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Fitbit Progress Report

June 2017

1. Steps goal: 46,000/week
Week 1 - 45,131
Week 2 - 45,870

2. Floors goal: 7/week
Week 1 - 23
Week 2 - 21

3. Miles goal: 21/week
Week 1 - 18
Week 2 - 18.24

4. Calories burned goal: 1800/day
Week 1 average - 1979
Week 2 average - 1975

5. Days of exercise goal: 5/week
Week 1 - 4
Week 2 - 4

6. Active minutes goal: 210/week
Week 1 - 196
Week 2 - 166

7. Hours with 250+steps goal: 8/day
Week 1 - 8
Week 2 - 8

8. Sleep goal: 8 hours/night
Week 1 average - 7 hours 40 minutes
Week 2 average - 7 hours 41 minutes

9. Resting heart rate:
Week 1 average - 74 bpm
Week 2 average - 78 bpm

10. Water goal: 252 oz/week
Week 1 - 176 oz
Week 2 - 180 oz

11. Weight:
June 12 - 172.4
June 19 - 174

Week 2 started strong with two 10k step days in a row then over 8k on Wednesday. After Wednesday, however, I started to slow down a lot. I had a couple of days with very little water and exercise. Overall the week wasn't too bad.

My calories continue to be between 1200-1500 a day and with an average calorie burn of almost 2000 I don't understand why I can't lose any weight. I wasn't expecting quick loss, but I thought that by mid-year I would be down at least 10-15 pounds.

I'm starting to feel discouraged and there are days that I think it's just not worth all the effort. But today is not one of those days.... we were up at 5am and out the door for our walk!

I'll just keep going. Even if I never lose any weight, at least I know I'm more active and making better choices than I was a couple years ago.


  1. Great attitude. I am not convinced that that calorie burns reported by fitbits and other devices is entirely accurate. As well, calories in/out is not as simple as it seems.
    Hang in there. You are doing all the right things!

    1. Thank you.

      The entire weight loss process is not as simple as it seems lol.

      I can understand how the fit bit may not be completely accurate, just as I don't trust my scale to be accurate every day. But using them as guidelines I feel I should be making some progress.

  2. I totally get the 'it's not worth it' feeling days. I definitely have them...right now I seem to be stuck in a similar place as you.....not losing. But here is the thing....we are making healthy habits and healthy steps in our lives. The number on the scale will eventually catch up!!!

    1. Just my luck....I bought a slow scale. LOL

  3. I know it can be discouraging but we are here for you cheering you on woman.

    1. Thank you. I like knowing you all are here to listen.
