
Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Fitbit Progress Report

For the week of October 9-15, 2017.

1. Steps goal: 30,500
Total: 29,938

2. Miles goal: 15
Total: 11.92

3. Water goal: 32 oz on at least 5 days
Total: 5 days ☆

4. Active minutes goal: 50
Total: 88 ☆

My steps went down and I'm disappointed that I didn't reach this goal.  My miles went down slightly but still really close to last week.  I'm sure I'll reach this goal soon.

I reached my water goal for the first time in a really long time! I'm so excited about this one. My active minutes was really good, maybe I should up the goal.

Goals for October 16-22

1. Steps: 35,000
2. Miles: 15
3. Water: 32oz x 5 days
4.  Minutes: 105

1 comment:

  1. You were so close to your steps and mile goals though! Good luck this week on your goals.
