
Wednesday, December 6, 2017

3 Fun facts about Christmas

1. The Grinch stole the box office.

It's hard to decide which holiday classic to watch first - or which one will be most popular with the whole family.  But when it comes to the box office,  the highest grossing Christmas movie of all time is How the Grinch Stole  Christmas starring Jim Carrey.

2. Jingle Bells was originally a Thanksgiving song.

James Lord Pierpont, an organist from Savannah, Georgia,  first performed a song he wrote,  "The One Horse Open Sleigh," at his church's Thanksgiving concert. The song was re-published in 1857 and given the title of today.
*Bonus fact: it is also the first song broadcast from space. On December 16, 1965, the Gemini 6 crew serenaded Mission Control after they reported seeing a "red-suited" astronaut.

3. Rudolph was almost named Reginald.

A copywriter named Robert L. May first invented the oddball reindeer in 1939 as a marketing gimmick for Montgomery Ward's holiday coloring books. May considered naming the beloved misfit Reginald and Rollo. And his nose wasn't going to be red. A red nose was viewed as a sign of chronic alcoholism, and Montgomery Ward didn't want him to seem like a drunkard. Good thing they changed it. "Reginald the blue nosed reindeer" doesn't have quite the same ring to it ... or charm.

You can see these and 15 other fun facts about Christmas at Good Housekeeping .com

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