
Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Healthy Me Progress Report

For the week of February 12-18, 2018.

My goals were:
1. Drink 32 oz of water a day.
2. Walk 14 miles.
3. Watch my calorie intake.

The results:
1. I only hit 32 oz on one day. The weekly goal was 224 oz and I drank 134 oz.
2. I walked 9.81 miles. Less than my goal but more than last week. ☆
3. My average daily calories was 929. The highest day was Friday with 1162.

Weigh in:
Feb. 12: 178.6
Feb. 20: 177.2
Loss/gain: -1.4
Year status: +1

My thoughts:
I finished my prescription so we are seeing the scale start to go down. Everything else looks pretty normal for me. I need to step it up before I'm going to see any real progress.  My eating is fine... need more exercise.

Goals for February 19-25:
*I'm still not holding myself to these too much, but it doesn't hurt to try.

1. 30 day squat challenge, week 1.
2. I need to walk 20 miles to be on track for the month. (Just do whatcha can.)


  1. You're doing great! Just do what you can :)

  2. You walked almost 10 miles in one week! I rarely do that.

    I think you're doing great :)
