
Monday, May 7, 2018

This week

For the week of May 7-13, 2018.

This week:
1. Buy stamps.
2. Mail anniversary card.
3. Cross stitch 2018 stitches.
4. Walk 1 mile a day.
5. All the routine housework.
6. Mother's day cookout with friends. *canceled
7. Payday on Friday.

Moving countdown - 5 weeks:
1. Get quotes for deposit on utilities, tv and internet.
2. Add flood insurance to homeowners policy.
3. Prep for yard sale.
4. Take student loan info to the bank.
5. Pack winter things.
6. House appraisal.
7. Termite inspection.

Menu plan:
1. Chicken and rice soup
2. Hamburgers and French fries
3. Spaghetti
4. Breakfast
5. Fajitas
6. Meatloaf
7. Leftovers


  1. I might just steal your menu plan! It sound delicious and not too high maintenance :)

    1. Sometimes it feels like we just eat the same thing over and over. But it's simple and I already know how much it will cost so that makes the budget easy.

      I want to find a few new crock pot meals to try.

  2. I find myself eating the same things over and over too, for the same reasons! I know how to make it, I know what I need to buy (or we already have it), it's cheap, etc. And it makes logging my food easier too!
