
Friday, November 2, 2018

The Whoosh Effect

Currently loving and getting motivated by this article: The Whoosh Effect.

Very interesting article about fat burning, plateaus, water retention and what we can do to get the scale moving again.


  1. As someone who has lost a significant amount of weight in the past, I've seen the Whoosh Effect first hand. Very interesting article!

    I'd kinda like a Whoosh right now :)

    1. So good to see you again! I'd kind of like one to come my way too. Feel like I've been on a plateau all year long.

  2. I like your Word of the Year posts.
    What motivates you to try to lose weight?

  3. Oh my word! I soooo needed this!!! I’ve seen the whoosh affect over and over in my many years at losing and writing about weight loss on my blog. And I knew that exercise (fat burning causes water retention). But I never put it together so succinctly! It also makes sense why I am super active on the weekends and see no movement on the scale...actually even a bit up....until days later (usually right around my cheat meal!!!). Bingo!!! Light bulb moment. And I hope you don’t mind but you will probably see this article on my blog at some date in the near future...I will link you and let you know of the link!!! :-)
