
Friday, January 31, 2020

January 2020 in stitches

I started a crochet project (as if I needed more craft things to do lol). I'm stitching a corner to corner blanket. This is a new pattern to me and I'm really enjoying it. It goes pretty quick.
Started on: January 17th
Time: 8 hrs, 38 min
Rows: 34

Next, I worked on the February monthly.  I got a late start on this and didn't really focus on it, so it won't be done until sometime in February.

Start date: January 13th
Time: 5 hrs, 55 min
Stiches: 487

And then...... there's the dragon. Here's where it was on January first.

I focused on the bottom right corner.
Started: March 2018
Status: 25% complete

Time: 27 hrs, 20 min
Stitches: 3,795


  1. Very nice on all of them

  2. I saw a kit the other day to learn to crochet. I was tempted but didn't get it...yet. Is it hard to learn?

    1. The basics are really simple. But I've been doing it since I was 5 and still struggle with following patterns lol. YouTube videos have helped because I can actually see what they are doing.
