Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Deck of cards workout

This week I pulled out an oldie but a goodie.... the deck of cards workout.

I love that you can change it every time you do it. And it's a good one for traveling, because you don't need anything but the cards (unless you choose exercises that need something else.... It's up to you).

How it works: You assign an exercise to each suit. Shuffle the cards, draw one, and start your workout.

For example, on Tuesday I assigned the cards as follows:
diamonds = squats
hearts = wall pushups
spades = lunges
clubs = stretches

The first card I drew was the 5 of diamonds. So I did 5 squats.

Card #2 was jack of clubs, so that's 11 stretches.

Just keep going until you need to stop or run out of cards. I think the most cards I've done was 18. LOL

Next week I'll pick different exercises and try again. If you try it, I'd love to know how you do.