Monday, July 16, 2018

Weigh in

July 8:  176.6
July 15:  175.8
Loss:  .8

The changes:
I've been trying to lose weight for over two years without success.  Obviously what I was doing wasn't working.

Last weekend I took a good look at my plan. I love tracking ALL the numbers. But it doesn't do any good if I don't let those numbers challenge me. The record shows that my calories are ok. It's not an eating problem.

It's a lack of exercise problem (and maybe a "getting older" problem, but we won't talk about that). I've got to find ways to be more active. I've got to find ways to stay motivated to be active.

During last week I tracked all the numbers mostly out of habit, but I only focused on my weight, water, and miles walked. I focused on miles because walking is my favorite exercise and I'm tracking miles for The American Discovery Trail. I only walked 10 miles this week. Now the challenge is to walk more next week!

The other change is fasting 16 hours a day on five or six days a week. During my 8 hour eating window I eat pretty much the way I always do. I'm just trying to watch portions, add some veggies and skip the evening ice cream. If I want ice cream, I can have it on the weekends.  Knowing that it's not forbidden,  just delayed,  has helped keep the craving down and will power up.

So that's the new plan.  I'll give it an honest try and reevaluate in a few months.  Weigh daily, drink my water*, walk the miles and fast for 16 hours a day.

*As always,  I need to increase my water intake. I'm working on it.


  1. I have started doing something very similar, letting myself have small treats or splurges on the weekend, after a workout and after my weigh in! Knowing it's not completely off limits really does help.

  2. Yeah man. That "getting older" problem is not doing us any favors.
