Monday, February 25, 2019

Weigh in

Feb. 17:  166.6
Feb. 24: 167.8
Loss/gain:  +1.4

*Not bad, I thought I would be  back up around 170-172 again.

Seven day average:  167.2

Water, goal: 32oz a day
M - 36oz
T - 48oz
W- 40oz
T- 40oz
F- 40oz
S- 12oz
S- 24oz

*Need to do better on the weekends.

Miles, goal 2.5 on at least 4 days
M- 2.24
T- 2.81
W- 2.8
T- 1.9
F- 1
S-.38 and then took fitbit off
S- .73 read a book and watched TV all day

Total: 11.86
*Only made it on two days, almost 3, but needs work.

Minutes, goal 30 minutes on 4 days
M- 15
T- 48
W- 40
T- 18
F- 0
S- 0
S- 0

*Need to step it up!

Calories, goal 1200-1300 a day
M- 1264
T- 1220
W- 908
T- 1033
F- 1301
S- no tracking
S- no tracking

*Looks like I got really lazy in every area on the weekend.


  1. Weekends are hard for me too. One way I deal with it is to weigh in Saturday morning, then take that day as a day "off", like a cheat day, so I have some fun and take some pressure off. Then I get back at it on Sunday.

    1. I've been using sundays as weigh in just because it's the end of my week. But I may think about and change my weigh days. It really doesn't matter.... I weigh every day LOL

  2. Well now you know to be more aware on the weekends so you dont slide.

  3. Weekends are so hard for me with eating and water consumption!!!! And it’s so hard to reign it in! You can do it though!!!
