Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Healthy Me - April Review

It's time for another monthly review of my journey to a healthier me. April was much better than March. Things were calmer on the medical front and I was able to concentrate on my fitness goals.

Let's break it down.

1. Lose 3 pounds. This continues to be a monthly goal and probably will all year. I haven't had a month yet where I reached this goal, but I'm sure it's coming!
I started the month at 169. This was on my old scale. I bought a new digital scale in April  and I feel like it's probably more accurate.
End of the month weight: 171.8
Loss/Gain: +1.8
Year status: -0.2

2. Work up to 8,000 steps a day by the end of this month. I only reached 8k three days this month. Shin splints had a lot to do with that, I think. My total steps for April: 180,202. (Total miles: 71.58)  This averages to 6,006 a day.

3. Stay between 1200-1400 calories a day with a 500 calorie deficit with the calories I burn. Seven days I ate less than 1200 calories. Nine days I ate over 1400 calories. My average daily calories was 1547. My average daily deficit was -537.
My calories were higher than I wanted, but the deficit was very close to target. This makes me think I should adjust my expectations about the amount of calories I take in.

4. Drink at least 32oz of water a day. This is still not happening consistently.  But I am drinking more water than my old, normal routine.
April's goal: 1204oz
My total: 718oz
486oz below my goal, definitely keep working on it.

5. Use fitbit  for motivation. It is most definitely motivating me to stay on track. And all the stats are making my OCD brain happy.

6. Complete the Spark People 5k walking challenge.  I started out strong and determined. When I increased from 1 mile to 2 miles I developed shin spints and ended up taking a week and a half off. I figured out that I'm not 20 any more. Or even 35 when I was working out 3 hours a day including a 3-5 mile walk.
After my time off, I started again back at 1 mile a day at a slower pace (16-17 minutes). This works a lot better but it's not helping me get the steps or miles I want. I made some adjustments the last week and am now walking 15 minutes four times a day.
I don't know if it's the shape I'm in or my age but the results are better with my new schedule.
I am glad I set this goal and gave it an honest try. I finished the month, I just never hit the 5k all at once. This challenge gave me valuable insight and information about what I need to do going forward. I count it as a success.

How was I successful?
1. I tracked everything.
2. Worked on my water. Hitting goal one week.
3. I walked 180,202 steps.
4. Walked 71.58 miles.

What didn't go so well?
1. Lost motivation mid month.
2. Didn't hit my goals consistently.
3. Didn't lose weight.
4. Shin splints.

What can I do differently? 
1. Add other exercises.
2. Stay strong and committed.
3. Work on meal plan.

How do I feel?
1. Discouraged.
2. Fat.
3. Old.
4. Sore: hips, knees, shoulders.

What motivates me ?
1. Having a plan.
2. Fitbit.
3. Reading others blogs.

I give myself 3 out of five stars.

Moving on to

I've set 5 goals for May.
1. Lose 3 pounds.
2. Reach 6k steps at least 2x week.
3. Improve the quality of my calories  (better meals and snacks).
4. Walk at least 75 miles (2.5 miles a day).
5. Do my Body Flex deep breathing 2x week.


  1. Three out of five stars for the month isn't bad!!!!!! Good luck smashing your May goals!!!!!
