Every year during Memorial Day weekend, we have a game decathalon.
We play ten games three times each. It's a total of 30 games. That's why we play over the long weekend!
To be declared the winner of a game you have to win two out of the three times.
To win the decathalon, you have to win 6 of the ten games. If we tie one additional game is played and that person is the champion.
What do we win? Bragging rights and a cheap plastic trophy that will sit on the winners nightstand for a year.
This year's line up:
1. Yahtzee
2. Backgammon
3. Farkle
4. Mancala
5. Uno
6. Scrabble
7. Dominos
8. Rummy
9. Chinese checkers
10. Black Jack
And the winner is...
Me, finally! I now get to hold the trophy and trash talk. It is most acceptable to brag every chance you get all year long.