Friday, March 2, 2018

Next week

Planning for March 5-11, 2018.

On the schedule:
All the routine stuff, and...

Monday - bank payment
Tuesday - double housework
Wednesday - double housework
Thursday - doctors appointment
Friday - rest
Saturday - rest
Sunday - rest, Nascar, Spring Forward

On the menu:
Chicken teriyaki
Hamburgers and fries
Breakfast (probably bacon and eggs)
Chicken strips
Steak, baked potatoes
Tomato soup and grilled cheese
Race day nachos

1. Have housework done before Thursday.
2. Drink 32 oz water a day, rest.
3. Stitch on birds 4 hrs, small 4 hrs. Read.


  1. I read somewhere that a strategy to make housework easier is to do a little bit each day, and I set a daily schedule, like cleaning the bathrooms on Monday and Thursday, mopping the floors on Saturday, etc. By the end of the week, the entire house has been cleaned completely. Things like vacuuming and sweeping, though, unfortunately still need to be done nearly every day!

    1. I love my daily "little bit" routine. Unfortunately, this week because of my doctors visit/procedure I won't be able to do it Thursday through Sunday.

      Hopefully next week I'll feel like getting back on schedule.

  2. Everything looks good except for "double housework." haha
