Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Progress Report

Healthy Me 2018, week 12.
March 19-25

My goals were:
1. Walk 10 miles.
2. 224 oz of water.
3. 21,000 steps.

The results:
1. 6.02 miles.
2. 184 oz water.
3. 15,132 steps.

Weigh in:
Mar 19:  177.2
Mar 27:  177.2
Loss/gain:   0
Year status:  +1

My thoughts:
All week it felt like I was doing better. I am a little surprised to see the results. But I'm super happy with a maintain and my good attitude. I'm pretty sure not reaching these weekly goals is why I'm not seeing weight loss. (Sarcasm) I really need to up my activity level. My calorie intake is fine.

Goals for March 26 - April 1:
*I set these goals before I had the totals above, so I was really ambitious.  I guess I'll have to work extra hard this week. LOL

1. 42,000 steps.
2. 14 miles.
3. 70 minutes.

♡March boldly into the heart of a challenge and find what you can turn into your advantage.


  1. Our bodies are not like machines, results don't always reflect right away. Keep doing the right things! You are on the right track :)

    1. Thanks. Wish we could just flip a switch and lose weight. Feels like it adds up like that lol.

  2. You are not being a slug...you at least made a dent in your goals! The scales will catch up!!! And a maintain is still a victory!! (How many weeks in your life was it a gain??). You can rock this weeks goals!!!

    1. Thank you,fingers crossed the scales catch up soon.

  3. You're really close to making your goals! I love the background, very pretty!

  4. How do you think you are doing so far this week?

    1. Feel pretty good about it, but we'll see how the numbers turn out LOL.
