Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Junk Food

Eating a decadent helping of junk food feels good for about 30 minutes.  Avoiding the junk and sticking to a regimen of healthy, nutritious food keeps you feeling good all the time.
~Ralph Marston

*Yes, I drink Mountain Dew from a wine glass.  I also drink my juice, tea and water from that glass.  It makes whatever I'm having seem like a special treat.


  1. We have champagne glasses left over from the wedding, so I use those sometimes and drink Coke or unsweet tea from them. So fancy! Ha ha.

  2. Good to know I'm not the only one!

  3. I know I struggled more with my stomach aching last week when I ate junk food on vacation!!!!

  4. Nothing wrong with drinking out of a favorite glass
