Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Challenges....just in time

Just when I have a 2.8 pound gain, my blogger friends come up with challenges. Talk about perfect timing!

For February, I have accepted the fitness challenge from Sweat and Sparkle  and the calories challenge from Stevie at SPINNING MY WHEELS.

You set your own goals for each challenge, give each other support and encouragement and check in at the end of the month.

I'll probably post a weekly update.  My goals for these challenges are:
January 28-March 3 (since I count my weeks Mon-Sun and I want 5 full weeks)

☆30 minutes of exercise 4x a week. (That's  120 minutes a week, and 600 minutes total.)

☆1200-1300 calories a day for 35 days. Minus 5 "cheat days".  For a goal of 30 days on point.

Ready, set, go! Let's make this a great February.


  1. Glad you joined the challenge! I'm ready for a strong February.

  2. Aw welcome to the challenge! So happy you joined :)

  3. Woohoo!!! You are going to blow this challenge out of the water!!!
