Monday, July 22, 2019

Weigh in

Silly boys
July 14:  170
July 21: 168
Loss: 2 pounds

A good result for last week. Let's see if I can keep it going in that direction. My lowest weight this week was 167, but as usual,  it jumps up and down.

I'm doing a good job of sticking to my exercise plan. Even when my back really hurts.  But I'm nowhere near as active as MaryFran! If you aren't already reading her blog and want some motivation,  you should check it out.

Have a great week. Stay on plan..... whatever your plan is.


  1. Way to go. Congrats on a great week!

  2. Go you for keeping up with the exercise/activity even when you don’t want to!!!!

    Like you my weight fluctuates a LOT! It is so frustrating!!!!

    Thanks for the link!!!

  3. Great job! Sounds like you are incorporating some good changes.
