Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Annihilate the Pounds - Week 5

Time for another weigh-in. September 27 to October 3 was week 5 of Annihilate the Pounds.

Challenge 1

1. Lose 5 pounds.
2. Track calories  (1200/day).
3. 32 oz of water a day.

Start weight: 173.6
Last week: 171.6
Today: 171.6
☆Down 2 pounds

9/27 - 1156
9/28 - 1047
9/29 - 874
9/30 - 838
10/1 - 1069
10/2 - 916
10/3 - 1163

9/27 - 32 oz
9/28 - 32 oz
9/29 - 0
9/30 - 24 oz
10/1 - 32 oz
10/2 - 40 oz
10/3 - 32 oz

Weight held steady this week, but it's better than a gain.

Water was much better this week! Turning on my water ap to remind me every hour seems to be helping.

Even my calories weren't too bad this week. I am taking Womens One a Day vitamins and I've also added a green tea/vitamin C supplement.

For next week I am going to continue to focus on water,  but I feel like I'm ready to add in some more exercise.  So I'm adding a goal to walk three days on the treadmill.