Wednesday, December 18, 2019

2020 Word of the Year

I've always believed that choosing a word of the year gives me focus and sets the tone of my year.

Sometimes I try to choose a word that I "like" but it never really feels right. And if I force it, it just doesn't work out.  Usually my word "chooses" me.

And that is what happed this year. Conquer is not a word I would have chosen. It conveys strength,  boldness, leadership and power. All of which I have never felt I had. But for some reason every time I tried to work on finding my word, it kept coming up.

Maybe it's my year to take charge?!

To successfully overcome and take control of

There are several things I want to conquer in 2020. My weight and my finances to name just a couple. I'm excited for the new year and march bravely forward into whatever lies ahead.


  1. You are going to conquer for sure! I am envisioning a soldier marching off to conquer these things on your list!!!

  2. Oooh, I love that word! It's awesome! I can picture you in battle gear, slaying the upcoming a good way, of course!

  3. Cool mine is the same way, mine is Cultivate.
